Dear Protestors:
My dad is severly allergic to bee stings. One day, before he had possession of an Epi Pen, he got stung and had to drive himself to the hospital.
Your protest was staged on a very busy road, and happens to be a direct route to one of the area hospitals. I hope to God that someone trying to get to the hospital to say goodbye to a dying relative or was in labor or was having an allergic reaction, wasn't stuck in the traffic jam.
You remind me of the people that don't pull over for volunteer firefighters with blue lights simply because they don't HAVE to, and then complain when they get home and their house is burned to the ground.
I'm no patriot, but I have to say that I'm glad that I live in a country where I don't get shot at because I disagree with the government. I appreciate the option to express my disapproval. That's all.
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