Dear Protestors:
My dad is severly allergic to bee stings. One day, before he had possession of an Epi Pen, he got stung and had to drive himself to the hospital.
Your protest was staged on a very busy road, and happens to be a direct route to one of the area hospitals. I hope to God that someone trying to get to the hospital to say goodbye to a dying relative or was in labor or was having an allergic reaction, wasn't stuck in the traffic jam.
You remind me of the people that don't pull over for volunteer firefighters with blue lights simply because they don't HAVE to, and then complain when they get home and their house is burned to the ground.
sawyer with his shirt off
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Dear Protestors:
Congratulations on your successful protest. You succeeded in creating a huge traffic jam. You succeeded in being the direct cause of an accident in which at least one person was taken to the hospital. You succeeded in reminding us how much we hate protestors. You succeeded in making yourselves look really stupid. Congratulations.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
My friend, and blogging inspiration, Tara, has created "theme months" on her blog. These entries are always very popular and entertaining. An event today inspired me to write my own "theme month" blog. This month's theme is called "Letters to Protestors."
Here is the background:
On a normal day, I take my lunch hour from 1 to 2 and sit in my office watching soap operas. Today, I decided that I have put my errands off long enough and that perhaps they would be less painful if I did them during lunch and treated myself to Arby's on my way back to the office. I had no idea what was in store for my lunch hour.
While driving down the Vestal Parkway, the road where Vestal placed ALL of its retail stores and restaurants, thus making it very very busy, I was passed by several speeding police cars. When I crested a ridge on the Parkway, I was amazed and in awe of all of the red and blue lights ahead of me. I have never ever seen so many police officers in one place at one time. Ever.
There had to be at least twenty police cars stopped at an intersection which houses the Residence Inn, AIG, Tully's, Starbucks, a local gym, a military recruiting station, Binghamton University apartments, a local television station, and most importantly, Coldstone Creamery.
My first thought was that someone dropped another "turd" outside the men's restroom at AIG.
My second thought was that they had set up a road block or had cornered the murder suspect still at large and who, just this week, committed the first murder in Binghamton in 2008. I figured it would be something exciting that all of the cops wanted to be a part of. And it would certainly warrant the use of so much police force.
My third thought was that there was a really really terrible car accident where at least four people had to have been killed.
My fourth thought was that "police week" had started early and with a vengeance.
My 5,364th thought was that it was an anti-war protest. I mean, come on, this is Binghamton.
Before you comment that the attention I will be devoting to the protestors is just what they want, please understand that it will in no way be in favor of them. You see, I have to drive by the Binghamton Federal Building every work day and enough protestors have almost hit my car that I have earned the right to rant about them.